Monday, May 5, 2008

Submit to Google

The site's content is basically all ready, however, optimization is not totally done yet... I have just done the basic optimization as described so there is quite a bit left to do. I submitted the site to Google so that it starts to index it.

Note: You should submit your URL as soon as you can, even if the site still has a lot of construction left. The reasoning behind this is so that you can start building up 'site age' which is an important factor for Google rankings. There is a saying in the Google world that conveys how it does things: 'OLD IS GOLD.' Of course this just refers to your domain age, not necessarily your content, which should not be old...

Anyway, the site is still unranked and basically unknown by Google, but with the basic optimization and submitting the site through Google Webmaster should help give it a jump start...

Just so you know, Google also has a special thing where it will give your new site a jump start, only temporarily though. I noticed this with my site since it suddenly was ranking number 6 for a keyword but then just as quickly it disappeared from the search results...